Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Sunday, August 15, 2004


It is one of the pinciples of the 'magical' arts to mask ones actions with an exaggerated gesture, something to draw away the observers attention from the performance. In the grandest tradition of the romans who would give 'bread and games' to the populus of the empire to keep them pacified, so do the olympic games, noble endevour though they are are used by our dull-y e(l)rect(ed) leaders.

And so, we have a cursory list of the misdeeds ignored by the apathetic public with the Games an expensive mirror act.

1) An offensive by the US forces on the holy city of Najaf.
So much for the 'peace for the games'. To be fair though, the local administration called for the cease fire when the US has not managed to secure a decisive victory in time for the games.

2) 'The US-Australia Free trade agreement'. More correctly called 'The US-Australia we are going to roger you so hard you'll be walking bowlegged for the rest of your life' agreement. Was listening to parliament, a reasonable amendment was being proposed 'To impose tarrifs if a product to be imported would mean the loss of Australian jobs'. Simple and to the point. Both Labour and Liberals voted against.
In essence, and this was conceeded by a number of speakers, Australian sovereignty is being traded to the US Corporations. No, not Government, unelected corporations. The same people who run ELORN, WORLDCOM and other corporate disasters will now have a direct say in our economic and social policy. Please tell me its for our own good somebody. Convincingly this time.

3)180 refugees massacred in a UN refugee camp in Burundi. Shades of Bosnia and Rwanda all over again.

The wise ones say it is not important WHAT we are told or not, but HOW we are told what we are being told. As always, look alive, look around make up your own mind.

I close with a very special message; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.". The world, would be a much better place globally and personally, if we only tried to live up to it.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


Tiësto one of my favourite DJs is to perform at the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games in Athens, Greece.
Tiësto, twice voted the #1 DJ in the world by DJ Magazine, will make Olympic history on Friday, August 13, when he becomes the first DJ ever to perform in an Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games.

This is a very cool development. This has never happened before.

I think that it was Abraham Lincoln that has said;
"The philosophy of the classroom of this generation becomes the government policy of the next generation".
Likewise, it finally looks like Techno is making it into the mainstream. What does future hold? Techno being played in supermarkets and lifts? Cheezy TV commercials with raw club trax? One more reason to watch the opening ceremony. The other one being Al Quada strike, not (knock on wood).

Sunday, August 08, 2004


Since I havent been clubbing in a 5-6 weeks decided it was a time to get another endorphin hit. Decided to hit Traffic then if its slow (as it can be from time to time) Heaven. Made it to town quarter to midnight, just in time to take advantage of the Fresh FM advertised 'Free entry to Traffic before midnight'. Yes, funny though the nice people on the door looked surprised at this revelation. Were I a cynical bastard I would say that either;

a) The management uses false advertising to lure foolish youth inside.
b) The people on the door skim the entry fees before midnight.

The DJ was particularly stilted so I went to Heaven around 1AM, shame since I actually came to see a female DJ that sounded cool on Fresh FM who was on later.

At the side entrance to Heaven I was accosted by a barbie clone floozy exercising her small clitoris syndrome. Apparently she informed me I was dressed 'too casual'.
Hrumph. I would not be commenting about other peoples fashion sense wearing faux fur NY whore chique and flouro makeup like she was. Though I conceed that cargo pants are no longer in fashion, they are damn practical for clubbing, lose and you can put a watter bottle into the leg pocket. Although I am sure she was trying to subtly remind me that at my advanced age of thirtysomething at this hour of the morning I should be at home, slowly percolating into my colostomy bag and counting hours to my imminent and timely departure from the land of the living. Not, heaven forbid (!) clubbing and annoying the younglings with the untimely reminder of how they are going to look like in mere 10-15 years time.
Applying Wulfs life rule No.381 "Never argue with people of lower intellect than yours in position of authority.".
I have thanked her for her dilligent execution of her duty and entered the club via the main entrance.

Wendy was right, the newly refurbished Heaven electronics looks cool.
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Lasers and new lighting system. Packed floor though it was cold. Great atmosphere though as usual most of the crowd is mainly in the sperm/egg/zygote age group.

I have taken some videos of the action with my phone, but I should have turned the sound down a bit, its distorting the bejesus out of the tracks. Took one of Wendys fav Van Helden 'Hear my name'. Somehow a still shot does not do a justice to the atmosphere, even a video is a poor sub.

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And of course, what would Heaven be like without the heavenly dancers.

During the night I was approached by keen youth eager to purchase recreational chemicals. A resounding testimony for legalising certain types of recreational chemicals. Clubbers will eat anything, best that there is some quality control, least they buy Gradmas kidney medicines.
More so that no more than couple months ago 7 people went down with averse reaction at Heaven.

Met up with Wendy and her funky friends at Traffic past 3AM (my stamp almost rubbed off), they were pleasantly chilling and the DJ has improved enormously. Really enjoyed seeing Wendy in her natural element. Danced for a while after Wendy and Co went, got home at 5AM. Great night. Gotta do it more often.

Personal bitch about the price of Smirnoff's Blacks, $8.50 a bottle? WTF?

Friday, August 06, 2004


Continuing the theme of disasters of bibilical proportions.
Going to work Thursday, I have seen a sight that really gave a reason for the manufacturers of mobile phone to install cameras into the things (0_o).

A pine tree was smoking. As I say, not quite the burning bush, but if one were so inclined, surely a sign from the spirits, once again, were one so inclined :)

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Spooky! Water vapours heating and exiting the wood or a sign from the gods. We report you decide HEATHEN!

In a totaly unrelated incident, I am certain, my car got broken into at (wait for it) a multi storey car park. Ever the one to look for the positive in a negative, my thanks go to Mr.Thief who was kind enough to steal only my cigarette lighter and smokes and my extra set of keys. Also as far as I can tell, the car was not damaged, so thanks Mr.Thief. Thanks also go to the useless tard highschool dropout 'guarding' the carpark. Still it was my fault, had a couple of shopping bags and a newspaper inside the car, thief probably thought it was his lucky day.

In addition, same night the uncanny omen was witnessed I have made a downright hash talking to a dear friend of mine online. Superstition is a great tool to rationalise the universe since one does not have to take responsibility for ones actions.

Tuesday, August 03, 2004



To wit. GAH! Triple doom has descended upon us. We are surely lost. First, Wendy has caused me to take bus to work, the second time in the last 3 weeks. What a day have I picked for it. The sky has opened and a flood of apocalyptic proportions has descended on the city.

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Witness the Torrens river in the morning and the same day in the evening. If this rain keeps up a flood will wash away the park.

I have dug up my supplies left over from the Y2K scare. Emptied the water cans and the 200Gallon drums full of spare petrol. Lashed together a raft and parked it on my roof. When the apocalypse comes I will be able to float down to the ocean and maybe set up a colony to repopulate the earth somewhere in the pacific. Looking for a female netball team to take with me. Whats this you are saying? "Glug glug?" I can not hear you. Muahahaha...


My amazing luck with women is holding up. Can not complain in the least. I keep meeting these incredible women who steal my heart then proceed to explain why I am unworthy of their affection. I am growing disillusioned. Perhaps I have set the bar too high. I am considering lowering my standards quite a bit.
Such as, dating outside my species. I recon a computer literate she-monkey, shaven or a particularly intelligent seasponge may find me worthy of a relationship. Well, I am being an optimist. I should probably get them drunk first :)


Yes, DOOM3, the long awaited sequel to DOOM1&2 is finally out. Remember DOOM has set the bar for the modern scary computer gaming. Who can forget the first time they entered a room full of deamons, their roar drowning the blast of your patently inadequate shottie. Anyone who has heard the booming steps of the Cyberdeamon will remember for ever how scary the experience was.

Well, DOOM3 is bringing all of that adrenaline and fright back to your computer screen. I do not exaggerate when I say this. It is one scary game. Will find out tomorrow when I get my copy, but for now I shall leave you with this dude, on his way to the dermatologist to treat his skin condition no doubt.

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