To wit. GAH! Triple doom has descended upon us. We are surely lost. First, Wendy has caused me to take bus to work, the second time in the last 3 weeks. What a day have I picked for it. The sky has opened and a flood of apocalyptic proportions has descended on the city.
Witness the Torrens river in the morning and the same day in the evening. If this rain keeps up a flood will wash away the park.
I have dug up my supplies left over from the Y2K scare. Emptied the water cans and the 200Gallon drums full of spare petrol. Lashed together a raft and parked it on my roof. When the apocalypse comes I will be able to float down to the ocean and maybe set up a colony to repopulate the earth somewhere in the pacific. Looking for a female netball team to take with me. Whats this you are saying? "Glug glug?" I can not hear you. Muahahaha...
My amazing luck with women is holding up. Can not complain in the least. I keep meeting these incredible women who steal my heart then proceed to explain why I am unworthy of their affection. I am growing disillusioned. Perhaps I have set the bar too high. I am considering lowering my standards quite a bit.
Such as, dating outside my species. I recon a computer literate she-monkey, shaven or a particularly intelligent seasponge may find me worthy of a relationship. Well, I am being an optimist. I should probably get them drunk first :)
Yes, DOOM3, the long awaited sequel to DOOM1&2 is finally out. Remember DOOM has set the bar for the modern scary computer gaming. Who can forget the first time they entered a room full of deamons, their roar drowning the blast of your patently inadequate shottie. Anyone who has heard the booming steps of the Cyberdeamon will remember for ever how scary the experience was.
Well, DOOM3 is bringing all of that adrenaline and fright back to your computer screen. I do not exaggerate when I say this. It is one scary game. Will find out tomorrow when I get my copy, but for now I shall leave you with this dude, on his way to the dermatologist to treat his skin condition no doubt.
To wit. GAH! Triple doom has descended upon us. We are surely lost. First, Wendy has caused me to take bus to work, the second time in the last 3 weeks. What a day have I picked for it. The sky has opened and a flood of apocalyptic proportions has descended on the city.

Witness the Torrens river in the morning and the same day in the evening. If this rain keeps up a flood will wash away the park.
I have dug up my supplies left over from the Y2K scare. Emptied the water cans and the 200Gallon drums full of spare petrol. Lashed together a raft and parked it on my roof. When the apocalypse comes I will be able to float down to the ocean and maybe set up a colony to repopulate the earth somewhere in the pacific. Looking for a female netball team to take with me. Whats this you are saying? "Glug glug?" I can not hear you. Muahahaha...
My amazing luck with women is holding up. Can not complain in the least. I keep meeting these incredible women who steal my heart then proceed to explain why I am unworthy of their affection. I am growing disillusioned. Perhaps I have set the bar too high. I am considering lowering my standards quite a bit.
Such as, dating outside my species. I recon a computer literate she-monkey, shaven or a particularly intelligent seasponge may find me worthy of a relationship. Well, I am being an optimist. I should probably get them drunk first :)
Yes, DOOM3, the long awaited sequel to DOOM1&2 is finally out. Remember DOOM has set the bar for the modern scary computer gaming. Who can forget the first time they entered a room full of deamons, their roar drowning the blast of your patently inadequate shottie. Anyone who has heard the booming steps of the Cyberdeamon will remember for ever how scary the experience was.
Well, DOOM3 is bringing all of that adrenaline and fright back to your computer screen. I do not exaggerate when I say this. It is one scary game. Will find out tomorrow when I get my copy, but for now I shall leave you with this dude, on his way to the dermatologist to treat his skin condition no doubt.

Thanked for! I would like to take the bus more often. Its slack of me to drive. By taking the bus I feel as if I am doing a good thing for Gaia.
Less carbon emitions, less wastage of energy, less heatload.
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