It is now with some confidence that I can state that the election is going to be won by a 'narrow margin' by McCain. What makes me utter such an outrageuos statement?
There are 4 signs.
1. Obama wants to take from the very rich.

Basically, Obama is saying to the rich, Vote for me so I can take 50% of your income to pay for un-necessary things like healthcare, education and waste it on bridge maintenance.
It is the rich who have the 'jaw dropping arrogance' to choose not to comprehend the plight of they who are born without a silver credit card in their mouth. It is those same rich who happen to 'hang' with the decision makers. 'Maaate, this Obama bloke... he wants to rip me for cool mil. See that you mention in your faux-news memo that he tortures small baby jesuses or something. KK?'
Where the poor in the meanwhile do not even get a chance to make their minds up on the election issues. On the account of being too busy trying to put food in their mouth. Much less 'hang' with those who control the media.
To paraphrase, Obama is going to lose because he just promised the rich and powerful that they will be worse off under his regime.
Not surprisingly, the rich are paying McCain 10 times more to secure the victory of 'their man in Washington'.
2.Caging is in full swing.
Whats 'Caging' you may ask?
Basically, it is the means by which Darth Rowe will ensure that those who vote for Obama will have their votes taken from them.
Particularly perfidious is the mechanism.
Basically, you send a registered letter, clearly marked 'Do not forward' to an address 30 days before the election. Then, if the person does not reply. You dispute the vote as 'invalid' on the grounds that that person does not live under the voteroll address anymore.
Who moves the most? The poor and the young. Obama/Democrat voters.
From the party that claims to support the Army this is particularly hollow as they send the notices to Army Bases, knowing full well the troops are stationed overseas, fighting the wars started by these same chicken-hawks.
Interestingly, Obama has generated six fold greater support than Bush Mk.iii in the armed forces.
[Edit: Here is a good article explaining whats going to happen]
3.He's black.
Sadly, like Australia, the US is a country where Blacks are still treated as second class citizens.
Yes, yes... you are an exception. Some of your best friends are black. Actually, they are kinda remote acquintices. But would you let your daughter marry one?
There are a couple of explanations why Obama, a progressive leader with erudition and vision actually is on par with underperforming McCain who is a carbon copy (albeit somewhat more coherent) of Bush, according to the polls.
a) The old media favours McCain (likely)
b) Obama is black (very likely)
c) All of the above.
Is America ready for a Black President?
Clearly, since the last one was mentally deficient one (if he is to be judged by his extraordinarily spectacular destruction of the United States).
4. Georgia distraction.
The goading of Georgia by the US to foolishly invade Russian Protectorate of South-Ossetia at such a crucial time in the elections is a clear indication that the current regime will do anything in its power to perpetuate the Neo-Con grasp on the throat of the emanciated Lady Liberty in the US.
What is very telling and is a sad indictment of how low the US has sunk in its diplomacy and wisdom is that the McCain rants of a war crazed fanatic, shaking his fist and foaming from his bared fangs is considered (by the old media anyway) to be a 'Foreign affairs experience', whilst the more rational and humane approach by Obama to sort things out like civilised people is considered to be 'weak'.
For fucks sake, you have teh nukes and the most powerful army on the fucking planet.
The US of all people has the most leaway to engage in diplomacy.
Unless of course Eisenhowers warning about the industiral military complex has not been heeded and the US is in the iron grip of neo-con warmachine that benefits from war and human misery.
But then... Eisenhower was a pinko, commie, US and Freedom hating American president.
To hedge my bets a little, there is a small chance Obama will win, in the unlikely event the lords high up on the castle have decided that we have had enough of the war mongers. So far though, I am saddened by the steaming locomotive of McCain inevitable victory and the complicity of the old media.
There are 4 signs.
1. Obama wants to take from the very rich.

Basically, Obama is saying to the rich, Vote for me so I can take 50% of your income to pay for un-necessary things like healthcare, education and waste it on bridge maintenance.
It is the rich who have the 'jaw dropping arrogance' to choose not to comprehend the plight of they who are born without a silver credit card in their mouth. It is those same rich who happen to 'hang' with the decision makers. 'Maaate, this Obama bloke... he wants to rip me for cool mil. See that you mention in your faux-news memo that he tortures small baby jesuses or something. KK?'
Where the poor in the meanwhile do not even get a chance to make their minds up on the election issues. On the account of being too busy trying to put food in their mouth. Much less 'hang' with those who control the media.
To paraphrase, Obama is going to lose because he just promised the rich and powerful that they will be worse off under his regime.
Not surprisingly, the rich are paying McCain 10 times more to secure the victory of 'their man in Washington'.
2.Caging is in full swing.
Whats 'Caging' you may ask?
Basically, it is the means by which Darth Rowe will ensure that those who vote for Obama will have their votes taken from them.
Particularly perfidious is the mechanism.
Basically, you send a registered letter, clearly marked 'Do not forward' to an address 30 days before the election. Then, if the person does not reply. You dispute the vote as 'invalid' on the grounds that that person does not live under the voteroll address anymore.
Who moves the most? The poor and the young. Obama/Democrat voters.
From the party that claims to support the Army this is particularly hollow as they send the notices to Army Bases, knowing full well the troops are stationed overseas, fighting the wars started by these same chicken-hawks.
Interestingly, Obama has generated six fold greater support than Bush Mk.iii in the armed forces.
[Edit: Here is a good article explaining whats going to happen]
3.He's black.
Sadly, like Australia, the US is a country where Blacks are still treated as second class citizens.
Yes, yes... you are an exception. Some of your best friends are black. Actually, they are kinda remote acquintices. But would you let your daughter marry one?
There are a couple of explanations why Obama, a progressive leader with erudition and vision actually is on par with underperforming McCain who is a carbon copy (albeit somewhat more coherent) of Bush, according to the polls.
a) The old media favours McCain (likely)
b) Obama is black (very likely)
c) All of the above.
Is America ready for a Black President?
Clearly, since the last one was mentally deficient one (if he is to be judged by his extraordinarily spectacular destruction of the United States).
4. Georgia distraction.
The goading of Georgia by the US to foolishly invade Russian Protectorate of South-Ossetia at such a crucial time in the elections is a clear indication that the current regime will do anything in its power to perpetuate the Neo-Con grasp on the throat of the emanciated Lady Liberty in the US.
What is very telling and is a sad indictment of how low the US has sunk in its diplomacy and wisdom is that the McCain rants of a war crazed fanatic, shaking his fist and foaming from his bared fangs is considered (by the old media anyway) to be a 'Foreign affairs experience', whilst the more rational and humane approach by Obama to sort things out like civilised people is considered to be 'weak'.
For fucks sake, you have teh nukes and the most powerful army on the fucking planet.
The US of all people has the most leaway to engage in diplomacy.
Unless of course Eisenhowers warning about the industiral military complex has not been heeded and the US is in the iron grip of neo-con warmachine that benefits from war and human misery.
But then... Eisenhower was a pinko, commie, US and Freedom hating American president.
To hedge my bets a little, there is a small chance Obama will win, in the unlikely event the lords high up on the castle have decided that we have had enough of the war mongers. So far though, I am saddened by the steaming locomotive of McCain inevitable victory and the complicity of the old media.
Nixon still gets my vote. You just wait and see.
Any nom available?
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