Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Friday, August 06, 2004


Continuing the theme of disasters of bibilical proportions.
Going to work Thursday, I have seen a sight that really gave a reason for the manufacturers of mobile phone to install cameras into the things (0_o).

A pine tree was smoking. As I say, not quite the burning bush, but if one were so inclined, surely a sign from the spirits, once again, were one so inclined :)

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Spooky! Water vapours heating and exiting the wood or a sign from the gods. We report you decide HEATHEN!

In a totaly unrelated incident, I am certain, my car got broken into at (wait for it) a multi storey car park. Ever the one to look for the positive in a negative, my thanks go to Mr.Thief who was kind enough to steal only my cigarette lighter and smokes and my extra set of keys. Also as far as I can tell, the car was not damaged, so thanks Mr.Thief. Thanks also go to the useless tard highschool dropout 'guarding' the carpark. Still it was my fault, had a couple of shopping bags and a newspaper inside the car, thief probably thought it was his lucky day.

In addition, same night the uncanny omen was witnessed I have made a downright hash talking to a dear friend of mine online. Superstition is a great tool to rationalise the universe since one does not have to take responsibility for ones actions.


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