Category: Since when idiots are a special needs group?
I wanted to call this post 'We are thirsty and Obama is the sand we drink!', since this is exactly the kind of 'Huh?' statement I have heard today, watching my favourite news show; 'The Daily Show with John Stewart'.
An altogether hilarious case of how royally fornicated-up todays 'mass media' has become when the my favourite comedy channel is the 'Fox News' and a comedy show, one of Americas most trusted news sources.
A epithet deserving lass in the McCain 'town hall' meeting mutual masturbation self help group (televised) said; 'We are thirsty and we all have to drink the sand that is Obama'. Apparently not as idiotic as it at first appears to be, though bastardised the enthusiastic moron brought into sharp focus something that has been weighing on what passes for my mind these days.
Since when are retards considered worthy of equal vote?
Apologies to those unfortunate souls who no fault of their own, the kink in the wrist of the deity rolling the dice have gotten the short end of the stick and gotten poked in the eye with its burnt end in the process. Sorry, I am truly sorry.
No, I mean the retards that chose to be dumb.
The cretins who laugh at the 'nerd' girl with glasses in school - who then proceeds to save their life as a medical health worker.
The imbeciles who chant USA USA USA (or insert another disposable mental mind drone device) as their armies destroy innocent lives in the pursuit of power and then act surprised when some shepherd who previously thought USA is the epicenter of cool blows himself up because his son was turned into sushi.
The dumbshits who accept everything they are told, unquestioningly, with no crosschecking of sources of facts and then free fall off the edge of economic cliff with all the other genetic test tube sheeple-lemmings mutants.
These were the people who the tribe left behind when the hunting got lean.
These were the people who got eaten by the saber toothed tiger.
These were the people who the Spartans used to throw off the cliff.
Christ almighty, show some compassion and before you know it, you are up to your armpits in hairless monkeys who instead of shit, fling mental farts at you!
You do more research choosing a expletive mobile expletive contract than you do choosing a president. Wait no! Its not like that at all!
You did your research you say!
The guy who is about to win the election, McCain is the right candidate.
No matter that he's an crap fighter jock with poor impulse control.
No matter that he's been mindfucked by an evil enemy in a war prison camp for 3 years.
No matter that he finished at the bottom of his class by his own words.
No matter that he's a lying prick
No matter that he cant use a computer (hello? 21st century?)
If this applicant was shooting for the all important job of uh... say an office clerk, he'd never make it to the interview.
Buy hey, its only the most important job in the world. Thats different!
It matters not.
Because he's white, retarded just like us and god darn gosh! He's certainly better than that Osama Hussain arab communist terrorist!

Only in a retard nation is this a 'Breaking News'
Speaking of retarded nation, Sarah Palin!
According to the actuariar tables there is a 1 in 3 chance that our new President to be, John McCain, a cancer survivor may not make it through his full term of presidency.

This means a woman with an IQ of 83 and who is already on the record saying that 'We may need to go to war with Russia' will have access to the nuclear launch codes.
Please, please how it is possible, that after 8 years of presidency by a man whose performance can most generously be assessed as fucking dismal, what with the global financial crisis and a lost war in Afghanistan and a lost war on terror. How can Americans elect a person that is most likely even more likely to cause an even greater disaster?
There is only one answer; Stupid, Stupid, Stupid people.
Yes, you have a right to an opinion, but if its a stupid opinion, I have a right to call you a fucking retard.
So lets set the bar so high that we can not fail!

Stupid, mean, selfish, greedy, scared little people... who are easily manipulated by smart rich people.
I have enormous respect for the US, though I have to admit I have been gravely disappointed over the last 8 years as the simians have been running the asylum.
If this hallucination team wins, as I expect, its time for a final solution, start gassing the stupid people or maybe open one gigantic big mall with no shops where they will all starve.
Or maybe, the simplest solution would be what is about to transpire.
Select two 'ordinary folk' and give them the nuclear launch codes.
I wanted to call this post 'We are thirsty and Obama is the sand we drink!', since this is exactly the kind of 'Huh?' statement I have heard today, watching my favourite news show; 'The Daily Show with John Stewart'.
An altogether hilarious case of how royally fornicated-up todays 'mass media' has become when the my favourite comedy channel is the 'Fox News' and a comedy show, one of Americas most trusted news sources.
A epithet deserving lass in the McCain 'town hall' meeting mutual masturbation self help group (televised) said; 'We are thirsty and we all have to drink the sand that is Obama'. Apparently not as idiotic as it at first appears to be, though bastardised the enthusiastic moron brought into sharp focus something that has been weighing on what passes for my mind these days.
Since when are retards considered worthy of equal vote?
Apologies to those unfortunate souls who no fault of their own, the kink in the wrist of the deity rolling the dice have gotten the short end of the stick and gotten poked in the eye with its burnt end in the process. Sorry, I am truly sorry.
No, I mean the retards that chose to be dumb.
The cretins who laugh at the 'nerd' girl with glasses in school - who then proceeds to save their life as a medical health worker.
The imbeciles who chant USA USA USA (or insert another disposable mental mind drone device) as their armies destroy innocent lives in the pursuit of power and then act surprised when some shepherd who previously thought USA is the epicenter of cool blows himself up because his son was turned into sushi.
The dumbshits who accept everything they are told, unquestioningly, with no crosschecking of sources of facts and then free fall off the edge of economic cliff with all the other genetic test tube sheeple-lemmings mutants.
These were the people who the tribe left behind when the hunting got lean.
These were the people who got eaten by the saber toothed tiger.
These were the people who the Spartans used to throw off the cliff.
Christ almighty, show some compassion and before you know it, you are up to your armpits in hairless monkeys who instead of shit, fling mental farts at you!
You do more research choosing a expletive mobile expletive contract than you do choosing a president. Wait no! Its not like that at all!
You did your research you say!
The guy who is about to win the election, McCain is the right candidate.
No matter that he's an crap fighter jock with poor impulse control.
No matter that he's been mindfucked by an evil enemy in a war prison camp for 3 years.
No matter that he finished at the bottom of his class by his own words.
No matter that he's a lying prick
No matter that he cant use a computer (hello? 21st century?)
If this applicant was shooting for the all important job of uh... say an office clerk, he'd never make it to the interview.
Buy hey, its only the most important job in the world. Thats different!
It matters not.
Because he's white, retarded just like us and god darn gosh! He's certainly better than that Osama Hussain arab communist terrorist!

Only in a retard nation is this a 'Breaking News'
Speaking of retarded nation, Sarah Palin!
According to the actuariar tables there is a 1 in 3 chance that our new President to be, John McCain, a cancer survivor may not make it through his full term of presidency.

This means a woman with an IQ of 83 and who is already on the record saying that 'We may need to go to war with Russia' will have access to the nuclear launch codes.
Please, please how it is possible, that after 8 years of presidency by a man whose performance can most generously be assessed as fucking dismal, what with the global financial crisis and a lost war in Afghanistan and a lost war on terror. How can Americans elect a person that is most likely even more likely to cause an even greater disaster?
There is only one answer; Stupid, Stupid, Stupid people.
Yes, you have a right to an opinion, but if its a stupid opinion, I have a right to call you a fucking retard.
So lets set the bar so high that we can not fail!

Stupid, mean, selfish, greedy, scared little people... who are easily manipulated by smart rich people.
I have enormous respect for the US, though I have to admit I have been gravely disappointed over the last 8 years as the simians have been running the asylum.
If this hallucination team wins, as I expect, its time for a final solution, start gassing the stupid people or maybe open one gigantic big mall with no shops where they will all starve.
Or maybe, the simplest solution would be what is about to transpire.
Select two 'ordinary folk' and give them the nuclear launch codes.

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