Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Sunday, February 20, 2005


Having cut down my intake of Rupert Murdoch 'liberals eat babies raw' FOX Cable TV to an absolute minimum (ie: Basic package + Docos/News) I am now forced to watch more of the documentaries. Aye, forced. There is a guy that comes with the desktop who looks like his career with a rugby team came to a premature end due to a knee injury and he now has to supplement his income with security work. So, this guy then, eats all the food in my fridge and anytime he catches me not watching the cable, moves his eyebrows in an exaggerated and apparently menacing way patting the bulge under the jacket where his sidearm holster is meant to be. Though for all I know, it may not be a gun holster but one of those portable hip flask containing whisky. Which could explain his sour demeanour and career choice for whisky tastes like rabid cat piss and I am sure has a lot to anwser for the entire British Empire trying to find something drinkable. But I digress... again.

Documentaries like 'Air Crash Investigations' and 'Seismic Seconds' taking a particularly nasty and deadly accident and dissecting (uh... bad choice of words) it into one hour (or more accurately 45 minutes + commercials) of root cause analysis. The ultimate geek show, finding out in excruciating detail exactly what widget went wrong and justifying our belief in what we knew all along.
All bosses are incompetant cheapskates whose ineptitude costs lives.
Because inevitably its someone deciding to maximise investment of the shareholders.

What really starts to irk me though, are these shows about military hardware. Programs like 'Planes that never flew', or 'Build for Destruction' or 'Mega machines' or 'My penis is so tiny that I can not satisfy my wife so I have to drop high explosives on people in some third world country in the arse end of the world so that my friends who hold the shares in the firm that supplies the expensive bombs can make money in a depressed economy and I can retire as a `consultant` when I am too old to hold a pencil to play `hit the evil country du-jour` on the map.'. Or something. No seriously.
For 45 minutes of the camera lingers,sliding up and down the phallic looking piece of machinery that has the sole purpose of converting 'enemy compound' (ie: a village) into a mound of dirt and human remains. All this to the accompaniament of a gravelly and gravely sounding guy who speaks of the thrust, penetration and power of the modern replacement for a sharpened stick.

Cleverly edited shots, showing balooning explosions over a jungle, mountain or wherever the particular enemy of democracy and shareholders were hiding at the time. No compassion, no humanity at all. No recognition that these things kill people. If pornography is dehumanising because it removes any notion of emotion from intimacy, this crap is even worse. Here are our new sharp sticks, we poke holes in people to make them go away. Its not important why we do this, its not important to look for alternatives. Hell do not even dare thinking how many schools, hospitals or interplanetary space missions we could send for a full kit of those. Just focus on how shiny the stick is and how sharp the pointy end is.

Naturaly, there is no reason for this at all. Purely serving the needs of the market. Capitalism 101. Supply and demand. Now, kindly keep watching, oohing and aahing over this wonderful mincemeat maker. Above all, do not engage brain trying to solve the puzzle how it is that we are being taxed less but pay more to fund these essential marital aids to preserve someones way of life.

So, how am I doing. Living up to my promise not to be too negative?
Comment dammint. Both of you!


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