True! This is not a diatrabe against the spirit of Christmas being stolen by the neo-capitalist marketing-industro-military compex. Whatever the hell that means. The spirit of Christmas that is. The cathartic ritual of purging the sins of excess and absence from the loved ones is in full swing, the city streets choked with the xmas buyers. So much so that an SMS took 2 hours the other day to arrive to my handset, so much for instant communication. Though to call it Xmas would insult the minorities, unless of course the minorities are the majority and can influence the PC speak, Political Correctness not Personal Computer, thought I'd qualify that being a geek. As is the case in the US where the Xmas is no longer about Christ but about 'Holliday' season. Even though it is. [nervous facial tick]
Stolen, like a cheap piece of papermache/gypsium that the whole fracas farce is.
There is a nativity scene in front of a Church near my home, very pretty, lifesized figures of the main cast, including a figure of a Lamb (representing the voting public) and the figure of Ass (representing the politcian). I recon they should have nailed the baby Jesus to the ground. Though the irony of it does not escape me.
Where is the spirit of XXXmas when even baby Jesus is not safe from the thieving hordes. Though no doubt it was the terrorists. The heathen, no-good, anti-christian terrorists. Fundamentalist religious fanatics that shall be purged from the face of this good gods earth and cast into the fiery pits of hell where their soul-less selves belong. Cast there by the righteous might of our Christian moderate army purging the satans minions from the oil rich (and thus sacred, lord praise the SUV, the plastic bag and the oil futures, Amen) lands.
Yes, yes, yes. I know the REAL reason baby jesus is not there. But since truth is no longer necessary for a good story, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon.
Hallelujah, in our religious zeal we have purged Fallujah of all the heathen zealots , slaying thousands of innocent in the process (but you can't make an omlet (or democracy) without breaking a few eggs, right?), looks like finally we are bringing the true face of democracy to Fallujah. Is this what the future holds for us, here in the 'civilised' world? Obviously not, only tin-foil hat wearing paranoid, consipacy theory, lunatics would hate freedom so much to even suggest this. I for one, welcome our new, democratically elected, overlords!
The elections and the war in Iraq are shaping well, with the road between the Baghdad airport and the Green Zone being completely unsafe. Good to see that all those lives (on both sides) sacraficed in Fellujah were not lost in vain.
At least its money well spent. All 160 BILLION dollars of it. I guess this is the price of peace, 6 billion dollars per month the running US bill for the war. Explain to me again please why the US dollar is collapsing again?
I am so overjoyed by these just, uplifting and desirable developments that I have bought myself an escape pod from this planet. So, really, there is no need for the secret government ninjas to put dioxin into my borsch. I am well and trully harmless. I will be sitting in front of my TV, zombie like, honeing my reflexes and removing any trace of consience at killing other human beings (pixelised though they are, just like in the sights of our wonderful, taxpayer funded, feel-safe, plush, family friendly peace making machines. This will come in handy when the time comes to bring democracy to the Chinese and we all will be drafted to fight the terrorists and defend the Christiandom. Because, of course, this war, like all the wars before it, is the war to end all wars.
The other day I came across this line;
"In war, there are heroes on both sides." - Something worth remembering in our 'impartial' deliberations and media coverage.
Conversely, and equally true;
"In war, there are war criminals on both sides.".
So, once again and for the record, I always thought this war was a bad idea.
But, for a portfolio of Halliburton,GM and Lockheed shares I will most certainly change my mind. Alternatively, a carte-blanche, 'Get out of the re-education camp free' card when inevitably we set them up to purge the terrorist loving libertarians. But maybe I am worried needlessly. Surely such a fair minded mob that we Australians are, would never allow prisons on our own land, holding people without trial for indetermined time.
Australian government spreading christmas compassion and good cheer. But hey, if it wins elections, why should we treat these people with the respect they deserve? (Photo: (C) Linday Moller)
Surreal, seems to be the theme for my conversations this last few days.
First, hanging with my friends G. T. J. and R. playing PS2, imbibing and generally relaxing after a hard week of work. G. was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in essence a game full of mayhem, crime and destruction. G. walks into a store, the game is quite sophisticated and allows to customise the character to quite a degree. G. is buying all the bling, tshirts and pantaloons that no self respecting gangsta would be drive-by-shot by in without (Englez parfavor?). R. looks at the screen with ever increasing degree of discomfort (think bunny in the lights of a truck). G. asks, "How does this look?", modelling a Tshirt. Bear in mind, this is VIRTUAL shoping, in-game. Finally, R. blows up, "Stuff this mate! I can't stand shopping with the missus, I am sure as hell not going to do this in my downtime!" and goes home :)
My second surreal conversation at a Xmas party I got invited to. The hostess doing the headcount at 3AM with the corpses of the partygoers still warm in various stages of repose, scattered around the house. 'This one gets invited again, this one gets the voodoo doll, this one gets the horse head shipped in the mail.'. There was something very Kafquesque about the whole process. I must be turning gay. The entire party (or rather 90% of the time) I have spent talking to the women. Call me weird but I find the company of women more interesting then men. Must be the whole 'to the thirsty man, every hole is a well' scenario. Hmmm... that did not come out right somehow.
Strangely enough, I have enjoyed the entire experience enormously. Met a lot of wonderful women, alas no phone numbers :(
There are a couple of things I am going to buy when I get a new assignment, naturally, it will be unseemingly highly paid with the commesurate lessening of effort necessary to bring the loot home (much like my current assignment).
First, this motorised board. A custom made leg breaker, at a mere A$700 is no doubt going to provide me with uncounted hours of fun...or at least until I break a leg or get bored, whichever comes first. This is naturally contingent on whether the motor is 200Watt or smaller, since that is the limit for the device allowed on bike-paths.
Second, I am pretty much set on the Z3. I have researched it with some depth and given about $35-$40K I can get a reasonable model. I have come across a number of after market options, including this solid shell roof making a rather fetching, neo-classic vehicle. Though I do need the 6Cylinder option since the 4 is in a word 'weezy' and greately underpowered.
I am a good man, really. Do not need a car to fill the hole where my soul would be. Honest and for true! Come on baby ride with me!
Ah, all this crass comercialism and shallow dearth of character and depth makes me want to finish on the now customary characteristic pontificatory and pretentious note. The other morning, waiting for my drug dealer to provide me with the cup of hot Jave for the day (Soy Latte Alto to take away) this heroic Telstra (local telecommunication company) technician was working on connecting some wires in a pit.
A minion of Arachne of the Internet age.
I took this shot for a number of reasons;
a) Because I could.
b) Because it is something so mundane, important and will fade into obscurity in time with the advent of the wireless telecomms. As such, it is a moment to be captured and preserved, together with the horse buggy whip makers and slide-rule assemblers.
c) There is another layer to this scene, the wires, like the threads of fate Arachne wove, will connect hundreds of thousands of voices, human tragedies, joys, loves.
And so, it is time to finish for now with a...
What happens when a childrens book is crossed with the mind bending evil immortal lord from the end of time?
Tales of the plush Cthulhu...
Stolen, like a cheap piece of papermache/gypsium that the whole fracas farce is.
There is a nativity scene in front of a Church near my home, very pretty, lifesized figures of the main cast, including a figure of a Lamb (representing the voting public) and the figure of Ass (representing the politcian). I recon they should have nailed the baby Jesus to the ground. Though the irony of it does not escape me.
Where is the spirit of XXXmas when even baby Jesus is not safe from the thieving hordes. Though no doubt it was the terrorists. The heathen, no-good, anti-christian terrorists. Fundamentalist religious fanatics that shall be purged from the face of this good gods earth and cast into the fiery pits of hell where their soul-less selves belong. Cast there by the righteous might of our Christian moderate army purging the satans minions from the oil rich (and thus sacred, lord praise the SUV, the plastic bag and the oil futures, Amen) lands.
Yes, yes, yes. I know the REAL reason baby jesus is not there. But since truth is no longer necessary for a good story, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon.
Hallelujah, in our religious zeal we have purged Fallujah of all the heathen zealots , slaying thousands of innocent in the process (but you can't make an omlet (or democracy) without breaking a few eggs, right?), looks like finally we are bringing the true face of democracy to Fallujah. Is this what the future holds for us, here in the 'civilised' world? Obviously not, only tin-foil hat wearing paranoid, consipacy theory, lunatics would hate freedom so much to even suggest this. I for one, welcome our new, democratically elected, overlords!
The elections and the war in Iraq are shaping well, with the road between the Baghdad airport and the Green Zone being completely unsafe. Good to see that all those lives (on both sides) sacraficed in Fellujah were not lost in vain.
At least its money well spent. All 160 BILLION dollars of it. I guess this is the price of peace, 6 billion dollars per month the running US bill for the war. Explain to me again please why the US dollar is collapsing again?
I am so overjoyed by these just, uplifting and desirable developments that I have bought myself an escape pod from this planet. So, really, there is no need for the secret government ninjas to put dioxin into my borsch. I am well and trully harmless. I will be sitting in front of my TV, zombie like, honeing my reflexes and removing any trace of consience at killing other human beings (pixelised though they are, just like in the sights of our wonderful, taxpayer funded, feel-safe, plush, family friendly peace making machines. This will come in handy when the time comes to bring democracy to the Chinese and we all will be drafted to fight the terrorists and defend the Christiandom. Because, of course, this war, like all the wars before it, is the war to end all wars.
The other day I came across this line;
"In war, there are heroes on both sides." - Something worth remembering in our 'impartial' deliberations and media coverage.
Conversely, and equally true;
"In war, there are war criminals on both sides.".
So, once again and for the record, I always thought this war was a bad idea.
But, for a portfolio of Halliburton,GM and Lockheed shares I will most certainly change my mind. Alternatively, a carte-blanche, 'Get out of the re-education camp free' card when inevitably we set them up to purge the terrorist loving libertarians. But maybe I am worried needlessly. Surely such a fair minded mob that we Australians are, would never allow prisons on our own land, holding people without trial for indetermined time.

Australian government spreading christmas compassion and good cheer. But hey, if it wins elections, why should we treat these people with the respect they deserve? (Photo: (C) Linday Moller)
Surreal, seems to be the theme for my conversations this last few days.
First, hanging with my friends G. T. J. and R. playing PS2, imbibing and generally relaxing after a hard week of work. G. was playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas in essence a game full of mayhem, crime and destruction. G. walks into a store, the game is quite sophisticated and allows to customise the character to quite a degree. G. is buying all the bling, tshirts and pantaloons that no self respecting gangsta would be drive-by-shot by in without (Englez parfavor?). R. looks at the screen with ever increasing degree of discomfort (think bunny in the lights of a truck). G. asks, "How does this look?", modelling a Tshirt. Bear in mind, this is VIRTUAL shoping, in-game. Finally, R. blows up, "Stuff this mate! I can't stand shopping with the missus, I am sure as hell not going to do this in my downtime!" and goes home :)
My second surreal conversation at a Xmas party I got invited to. The hostess doing the headcount at 3AM with the corpses of the partygoers still warm in various stages of repose, scattered around the house. 'This one gets invited again, this one gets the voodoo doll, this one gets the horse head shipped in the mail.'. There was something very Kafquesque about the whole process. I must be turning gay. The entire party (or rather 90% of the time) I have spent talking to the women. Call me weird but I find the company of women more interesting then men. Must be the whole 'to the thirsty man, every hole is a well' scenario. Hmmm... that did not come out right somehow.
Strangely enough, I have enjoyed the entire experience enormously. Met a lot of wonderful women, alas no phone numbers :(
There are a couple of things I am going to buy when I get a new assignment, naturally, it will be unseemingly highly paid with the commesurate lessening of effort necessary to bring the loot home (much like my current assignment).

First, this motorised board. A custom made leg breaker, at a mere A$700 is no doubt going to provide me with uncounted hours of fun...or at least until I break a leg or get bored, whichever comes first. This is naturally contingent on whether the motor is 200Watt or smaller, since that is the limit for the device allowed on bike-paths.
Second, I am pretty much set on the Z3. I have researched it with some depth and given about $35-$40K I can get a reasonable model. I have come across a number of after market options, including this solid shell roof making a rather fetching, neo-classic vehicle. Though I do need the 6Cylinder option since the 4 is in a word 'weezy' and greately underpowered.

I am a good man, really. Do not need a car to fill the hole where my soul would be. Honest and for true! Come on baby ride with me!
Ah, all this crass comercialism and shallow dearth of character and depth makes me want to finish on the now customary characteristic pontificatory and pretentious note. The other morning, waiting for my drug dealer to provide me with the cup of hot Jave for the day (Soy Latte Alto to take away) this heroic Telstra (local telecommunication company) technician was working on connecting some wires in a pit.

A minion of Arachne of the Internet age.
I took this shot for a number of reasons;
a) Because I could.
b) Because it is something so mundane, important and will fade into obscurity in time with the advent of the wireless telecomms. As such, it is a moment to be captured and preserved, together with the horse buggy whip makers and slide-rule assemblers.
c) There is another layer to this scene, the wires, like the threads of fate Arachne wove, will connect hundreds of thousands of voices, human tragedies, joys, loves.
And so, it is time to finish for now with a...
What happens when a childrens book is crossed with the mind bending evil immortal lord from the end of time?
Tales of the plush Cthulhu...
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