Heareyee Hearyee, 'tis the full (fool?) moon again. Once again, Wulf wakes up to find all his bones aching as if he run 100km at 100km/h. Various nasty looking scratches and ugly looking bullethole like zits. I hate full moon, the yard ALWAYS needs cleaning afterwards, some stray dog keeps dragging dead cats and dead MONKEY skeletons. Must be a BIG dog though coz the monkey bones are like CRUNCHED though and there are some car bumper bars ripped clean off with teethmarks like a chainsaw
Caught up with a good friend of mine T. for a night of JAZZ/FUNK/FUSION. Well yes, so I thought, thats what the banner over the GRIFFINS HEAD proclaimed, as T. said, one helluva of a confused musician. So fscking confused that they did not find the door of the premises. Hence, therefore and as such, we had sought another line of entertainment and gone to the Nova to see 'The weeping camel'.
Ok, here goes... Wulfs Review. 'The weeping camel'.
Camera pan Fscking middle of nowhere. No, this place makes middle of nowhere look like Hindley St (a local arse end of the world 'happening' place) on new years eve.
Major gross out, camels pop babies all over the place. Fscking camel p0rn everywhere! Movie banned in bloody Saudie Arabia, Hard core XXX camel p0rn.
By halfway into the movie we find that there are actually huuumans actors (though we initially cant tell coz they wear all these camel threads).
One dude is actually called dude which makes the whole thing Sh!t confusing coz we think the Mongolians are all funky all of the sudden calling each other 'Dude', but really, his name is 'Dude'.
So, one of the baby camels does not suck. Though the movie by this time does. Suck. Rather badly. Wulf is like looking all attentive and kulduhral. Principally coz T. has her elbow firmly in my ribs. T. is like HISSING in my ear. FFS! TARD!
You got me to see this crap, YOU BETTER STAY AWAKE TARD!
So, the DUDE and his kid brother who wants satelitte TV (no really, from a yurt to sat TV. FSCK THAT! Lets skip a few stages in the tech tree! Fscking haX0r!) go on a quest. TO GET A MUSIC TEACHER TO PLAY VIOLIN.
It is apparently going to make the camel SUCK!
All I can say to this is; "GIMME, GIMME, GIMME! I WANT SOME!!!"
I want some of these mushrooms, fermented yak milk or whatever the hell the german script writer is having to write this script.
The violinist arrives, plays music, chix0r sing, camel cries (Crap music, you'd cry too). Camel sux. THE END. FFS!
Cant even ask for my money back coz T. shouted free pass FFS!
Its T.'s fault again. 'Here, this looks good!' she says. Something to go see with one of your friends! A SC-FI feminist play. Kylie Minogue and gamettes/stem cell harvesting. Something to appeal to everyone.
Wulf buys 2 tickets. Lets see, who could we inflict this play upon. Ok... N. needs a bit of an entertainment, having to write essays about how to save the world.
WARNING: SPACE THEATER means there is not ANY!

In a twist of irony, 'SPACE THEATER' means the public is squeezed around the stage so that we can all smell the sweaty thespians (No THESPIANS, sadly, you illiterate tard!) and look terribly uncomfortable when these insolent waiters (sometime actors) make rude noise in our general direction.
The above is the stage, the sole stage furniture a piece of burger wrapper in the upper right. I did SO want to pick it up, a sign I am surely turning into a fscking crusty pillar of the community ffs! I thought I better snatch this photo b4 the play starts least the thespians shove my mobile into some obscure orfice of mine or worse, make public fun of me. As it was, the play was relatively harmless though N. was so enthused that I felt guilty and paid for her dinner. Ah well, read the reviews in the future... THANKS T.!!! THANKS A BUNCH! You owe me a dinner!
Friday night, after work drinkies, M. (She of the two boyfriends, one coming bearing expensive electronics, the other one apparently just coming) organised a get together of ex-Employees of the saltmines where we all worked (using the word 'worked' very losely). Now M. is wonderful to hang with and has a plethora or skills, sadly attention to detail, hell attention - period, is not her greatest strenght (*waves* HI M.!). We ended up at the AMBASSADOR hotel in King william street. The name of this 'australiana' is the height of a sarcasm. It is like calling the Siberian deathcamp 'The Riviera' or Iraq 'Burgeoning democracy'. Sad, sad dump, the only reason why it has not been buldozed are the bribes the owner must pay to the Adelaide City planners. Still, great time was had by all (3 of us).
After a while, K. proclaimed that she is going to see the 'TEA PARTY' and M. decided to try to find her car to drive home. So, Wulf finds himself torn between going home at the wee hour of 9PM or going to see a band at the uni... what a choice. A couple of vodkas and $60 later, the band it is... Woo hoo...
A respectable evening entertainment... shots to follow.
The band, A cross between PEARL JAM and hard rock/world music (C. Recons its a Fringe/Metal or some such) was quite entertaining. Though K. danced rather sineously and un-hard-rock like to its tunes. I do not think human, especially female body should move this way outside of a bedroom. Hrumph... (Oh yes, I am very offended for the benefit of all my female friends). Oh yes, the music, sorry, was distracted. Music rocked. Great live band.
And so, some grainy shots of 'THE TEA PARTY' @ THE ADELAIDE UNI.

Not much tea, but lots of party.

In fact, if there were any recreational chemicals in evidence, judging by the aromatic clouds of smoke, it was not the tea... unless it was the fragrant, green variety
Ah yes, we can not leave a journal entry without an a-political commentary.
Reading the Australian today at lunch, a fine right wing fascist rag, this picture of G.W.Bush;

Now, obviously this is merely a photoshopped version of the next image...

...G.W.Bush, defender of christian faith and the antichrists nemesis. I mean, HALO. How fucking subtle!

Some (the leftist marxist un-american traitors who shall burn in the clensing fires of the re-education camps when the purges come) would portray G.W. thusly

...but how about fair and balanced image, like this eh?
Some un-american traitor has placed this collection of images of G.W.B. wearing all kinds of earpieces, wind up mechanisma and bullet proof vests. I place it on this page so that NSA can clense this filth off the cyberspace.
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