Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Thursday, December 02, 2004


The RED CROSS has presented their report on Camp-X ray in Guantanamo bay to the US today. Apparently, the prisoners are being tortured [shrugs]. Big deal, they probably deserved it, being dully convincted by a court of law, I mean we in the west, in a democracy put people in jail only after due process, dont we?

Unless of course those people are SUBHUMAN.
Watching my favourite comedy channel, the FOXNEWS, Hannity and Holmes program, a fine upstanding Ex-CIA operative (interrogator) by the name of Wayne Simmons was interviewed and called the arab captives 'subhuman'.
Now, ordinarly when such a fine upstanding example of the human species makes similarly remarkable statement, I believe that it is best not to mention them by name. Along the old proverb of 'Your unremarkable career will be quickly forgotten'.

I however think that Wayne needs to be remembered in the hall of fame of humanity finest, together with other fine humans who thought other humans were 'subhuman'.

Warning, the following links contain graphic images of the result of one human thinking others are subhuman. It seems we need a reminder of the consequences of this way of thinking.

The most obvious example of subhumans.

Not so famous example of subhumans by our good trading partners.

These superior humans called the subhumans, roaches.

These people (sorry subhumans) just slipped and fell of the stairs, all 1.5 million of them. Rather unfortunate accident.

Growing up in eastern europe, with school tours to the Nazi deathcamps part of my upbringing, I often wondered; "Why? How? How did the people of the day allow other humans to be annihilated in such a way?".
Calling your enemy 'subhuman' is a damned good way to start another genocide.
Of course, these days, we are far more civilised in annihilating the subhumans.

Those who do not know the history, are bound to repeat it.


As some of you may know, I own a possesed appliance. Namely, my dish washing machine has been possesed by an unholly spirit and akin to Linda Blair she of the Exorcist fame spinning head and projectile vomiting pea soup it is causing me unholy entertainment in my kitchen. I have to babysit it with a crucifix in one hand and a bible in another least it make a horrible sucking noise midway through the fill cycle and void its putrid liquid onto the floor to the cacophony of a horrid mechanical cackling.

Naturlay, there is no way a human being can repair this possesed appliance. The few repair men who had the fortidude to gaze into its horrid, putrifying maw, made terrible noises that sounded very much like 'Eeeerrrghhh... controller unit, errrhhhh $200... Gaaaah.'. Naturally, being a fine Christian (or at least baptised) I take their gurgling, torturous utterances to be a sign of transference secondary possesion and loss of mental faculties.

Still, I find if I perform the ritual of purification and clensing, hold its maw in a certain way and pronounce the lords prayer, the seed of belzeebob (an incompetent cousin of blezeebub, cast down to earth to posses kitchen appliances) possesing the dish washing machine flees temporarily and my mold covered utensils and wine goblets are somewhat cleaner than before, though many are smashed to bits when the wrathful entity returns. Bah, it would be so easy to pronounce the appliance forsaken and in need of a rebirth. But, yeay, verity, I ask unto thee! We should give each and every whitegoods the opportunity to redeem itself. Though the newfangled, silverclad appliances are guilty of the sin of guile and hubris and as such shall be cast upon the mountain of refuse when the fad passes. Amen.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting reading, Wulfius. Good to see your creative flow going still being unleashed. Long time no see.

Victor Vector

8:19 PM  

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