With the elections coming up in the US and Australia, I felt a need to wrestle some photons into a shape vaguely reasembling a work of art (using the term very losely).
Technically this is very poor but its the idea that counts;
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We get to choose between the lesser of the two evils. Not much of a choice in either case. It almost makes one yearn for the good old days of totalitarian leaders. Leaders like Uncle Stalin and Ghengis-Khan. Not that there is much difference between some of their policies.
Still, at least we can whine about it for a while in (relative) safety... as long as not too many of the sheeple listen to us... and as long as we are safely stowed away in the 'Free speech zones'.
ERECTIONS - You get to pick one, just the one dick.
With the elections coming up in the US and Australia, I felt a need to wrestle some photons into a shape vaguely reasembling a work of art (using the term very losely).
Technically this is very poor but its the idea that counts;

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We get to choose between the lesser of the two evils. Not much of a choice in either case. It almost makes one yearn for the good old days of totalitarian leaders. Leaders like Uncle Stalin and Ghengis-Khan. Not that there is much difference between some of their policies.
Still, at least we can whine about it for a while in (relative) safety... as long as not too many of the sheeple listen to us... and as long as we are safely stowed away in the 'Free speech zones'.
ERECTIONS - You get to pick one, just the one dick.
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