Category: Language is a virus from outer space
Recently, there has been some debate in the media whether the daily massacres, collapse of civil order and personal tragedies in the liberated Iran can be considered a 'Civil War'.
Ask yourself this.
Debating when a woman is pregnant or not means the woman is very likely pregnant.
Debating whether a fire had destroyed a house means the fire has in all likelyhood, destroyed the house (or at least made it uninhabitable).
Debating whether one is an alcoholic, means one is an alcoholic.
Thus by definition, having a debate whether you have a 'Civil War', likely means you have a 'Civil War' on your hands. I know that this is extremely hard to acknowledge by the liberators of Iraq (ie: us and US). That our glorious, just and justified adventure has desintegrated as predicted by many into an expensive and tragic slow motion disaster of epic proportions.
So what exactly are the criteria of a Civil War? Is it 2 Car bombs a day that make for a Civil War or just the one? Do tortured corpses found in a back alleys daily constitute a Civil War or do they have to be found only in large groups for it to be a Civil War. If the leaders of the victorious liberatorsh have to skulk into the country on secret and unanounced visits for fear of the terrorists/guerillas does that make for a Civil War or merely 'unstable situation'.
Fact is, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck. It is very likely a duck.
A lame duck.
Just so that we do not dwell to long on the stench eminating from the rotten carcass of the dish, the Chef is promising us another banquet in Iran.
This one will be tastier and healthier and this time all the ingridients will be right and this time its going to be good for us. Really!
Hail to the Chef!
His salty brown balls would be a delicacy if he had any.
Recently, there has been some debate in the media whether the daily massacres, collapse of civil order and personal tragedies in the liberated Iran can be considered a 'Civil War'.
Ask yourself this.
Debating when a woman is pregnant or not means the woman is very likely pregnant.
Debating whether a fire had destroyed a house means the fire has in all likelyhood, destroyed the house (or at least made it uninhabitable).
Debating whether one is an alcoholic, means one is an alcoholic.
Thus by definition, having a debate whether you have a 'Civil War', likely means you have a 'Civil War' on your hands. I know that this is extremely hard to acknowledge by the liberators of Iraq (ie: us and US). That our glorious, just and justified adventure has desintegrated as predicted by many into an expensive and tragic slow motion disaster of epic proportions.
So what exactly are the criteria of a Civil War? Is it 2 Car bombs a day that make for a Civil War or just the one? Do tortured corpses found in a back alleys daily constitute a Civil War or do they have to be found only in large groups for it to be a Civil War. If the leaders of the victorious liberatorsh have to skulk into the country on secret and unanounced visits for fear of the terrorists/guerillas does that make for a Civil War or merely 'unstable situation'.
Fact is, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck. It is very likely a duck.
A lame duck.
Just so that we do not dwell to long on the stench eminating from the rotten carcass of the dish, the Chef is promising us another banquet in Iran.
This one will be tastier and healthier and this time all the ingridients will be right and this time its going to be good for us. Really!
Hail to the Chef!
His salty brown balls would be a delicacy if he had any.