Dateline: The 1st July 2025.
For Freedom!
Attention Civilians!
This is Colonel John Veritas with another hourly missive from the Communication and Justice Office of the Free Provisional Governing Corporation. On the hour, every hour with the information you know you need to obey.
Before the bulletins, our usual notices:
The following cities are declared temporary terrorist heavens with the necessary and short suspension of civil liberties, For Freedom. [HTTP Error: Link list too long for format].
The Asian and North american fallout cloud patterns are minimal but be advised to carry a NBC suit with your civilian uniform in a case of rain.
Now to glorious news:
For Freedom!
Our heroic defenders of freedom are facing decreasing resistance from the terrorists, freedom hating evildoers on all fronts. Your support is necessary and will be noted.
Food rationing for Victory!
Our freedom fighters in the field need your help. The usual protein block ration has been reduced by 20% to all non-essential civilians with changes extending to previously quaranteened families of combat personel. Global resource allocator Tsar Ron Wolfen said in his weekly speech to the freedom assembly; "The enemies of freedom are all around us, they need not carry a gun. Our heroic defenders of freedom need bullets. But they also need food. Each extra protein bar can be used to either make you fat, or it can be used to carry our hero through to another day. So look into the mirror, you may be doing the enemies work each time you eat food that our heroes might use better! These new changes ensure more food where it counts, at the fronts of freedom rather than your fat backsides! For Freedom!".
This pronouncement was greeted enthusiastically by the assembled freedom delegates with applause, cheers and stamping of feet.
The announcement was followed by a spontaneous rally outside of the Freedom chambers by the Elderly. The Elderly seniors brought their surplus protein bars to give to our boys and girls at the fronts. The words from Sam Smithfield one of the civilians gathered are typical of the sentiments of the elderly "We dont need to eat as much. All I do is weave parachutes for air drops, anyone can do that. I dont need to be fat for that. Our Heroic freedom defenders can have my protein bar! For Freedom!"
The European freedom front is pushing the forces of Old europe back. With every airstrike the enemy is cowering and running. The cowardly evildoers are using women and children to defend the military installations masked as civilian installations. This deception does not fool our heroes. Such tactics are expected by our freedom defenders and had failed it the past. The enemy compounds turned to smoking ruin in Sudan, Alabama, Great Britain, Ohio, Indonesia, Minessota, New South Wales, all battlefields that will resound with the cries of our victorious freedom defenders.
For Freedom!
The success of the South American freedom front is now assured. Our forces are myriad and are no longer needed to retake the area since The Chief declared the Southerners to be beyond freedom. Humane nuclear tactical bombing has decapitated the freedom haters ability to terrorise the freedom loving people of the world. Our glorious freedom defenders can now reinforce the other fronts where fight for freedom must prevail.
The squinty eyed evildoers have lauched another space missile to reinforce their military space fortification. This is the last outpost in orbit of the enemies of freedom. With this last line of offence in space, the Chinese imperialist freedom haters have been barely able to inflict any casualties on the ground. The introduction of our victory weapon 'Red Freedom Rocket' human guided hero missiles our heroic pilots of the Coalition freedom airfoce can now crash into any missile lifting from China. Volunteers are far in excess of available vehicles. Another example of how the will of the people of the free world will triumph over evildoers! For Freedom!
The Siberian campaign is going to plan with our Coalition freedom forces strategicaly tying down large freedom hater armies in the snow and ice of far east. The old europe, held in an iron grasp by our might freedom fighters will soon crack its thin brittle outer shell exposing its rotten evil core.
The Email home program from all the fronts is temporarily suspended as many enemy infiltrators have been sending false messages to deceive folks back home. Civilians are reminded that forwarding any such false message by email or word of mouth consititutes a crime against national security.
The freedom camps are a popular destination to all civilians. If you are not currently working in an armament factory, mine or a recycling center you are urged to report to your nearest Justice officer to volunteer to become an active Freedom loving civilian. Freedom camps are a way for civilians to demonstrate their commitment to freedom. Roads must be repaired, glasshouses decontaminated, terrorist corpses cleaned up. Are you a freedom loving civilian or a terrorist? Demonstrate your commitment. You are either with us or against us!
For Freedom!
Please be advised. Because of the increased infiltration of our cities by the evildoer terrorists our Justice offciers have been authorised to shoot on sight at any civilian who is carrying a package or wearing bulky clothing.
Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors for freedoms sake and theirs.
House to house checks by our Freedom Militia continue with enemy combatants being uncovered in every block. Our justice is meted out swiftly. Freedom loving people of the coalition will not tolerate any dissent. Please be advised that if freedom militia has not visited your assigned quarters it is not to late to destroy any materials you might have from the old terror loving days. Books, DVDs and Data media might all mark you as a terrorist or freedom hater.
Remember: "Empty mind is a safe mind!"
Lastly, be on the lookout for any suspicious freedom hating activity.
Report any of these freedom hating acts to your nearest Justice officer or Freedom Militia.
* Three or more people gathered in a group conversation.
* People using freedom hating language (Reminiscing pre-terror war, complaining, speaking out against freedom)
* Reading, viewing or possesion of pre-terror war information materials.
* Owning a copying device (Scanner, printer, pre-terror war computer).
For Freedom!
Stay vigilant civilian!
You are either with us or against us!
Return to your assigned task.
[Click here to affirm your commitment to freedom]
For Freedom!
Attention Civilians!
This is Colonel John Veritas with another hourly missive from the Communication and Justice Office of the Free Provisional Governing Corporation. On the hour, every hour with the information you know you need to obey.
Before the bulletins, our usual notices:
The following cities are declared temporary terrorist heavens with the necessary and short suspension of civil liberties, For Freedom. [HTTP Error: Link list too long for format].
The Asian and North american fallout cloud patterns are minimal but be advised to carry a NBC suit with your civilian uniform in a case of rain.
Now to glorious news:
For Freedom!
Our heroic defenders of freedom are facing decreasing resistance from the terrorists, freedom hating evildoers on all fronts. Your support is necessary and will be noted.
Food rationing for Victory!
Our freedom fighters in the field need your help. The usual protein block ration has been reduced by 20% to all non-essential civilians with changes extending to previously quaranteened families of combat personel. Global resource allocator Tsar Ron Wolfen said in his weekly speech to the freedom assembly; "The enemies of freedom are all around us, they need not carry a gun. Our heroic defenders of freedom need bullets. But they also need food. Each extra protein bar can be used to either make you fat, or it can be used to carry our hero through to another day. So look into the mirror, you may be doing the enemies work each time you eat food that our heroes might use better! These new changes ensure more food where it counts, at the fronts of freedom rather than your fat backsides! For Freedom!".
This pronouncement was greeted enthusiastically by the assembled freedom delegates with applause, cheers and stamping of feet.
The announcement was followed by a spontaneous rally outside of the Freedom chambers by the Elderly. The Elderly seniors brought their surplus protein bars to give to our boys and girls at the fronts. The words from Sam Smithfield one of the civilians gathered are typical of the sentiments of the elderly "We dont need to eat as much. All I do is weave parachutes for air drops, anyone can do that. I dont need to be fat for that. Our Heroic freedom defenders can have my protein bar! For Freedom!"
The European freedom front is pushing the forces of Old europe back. With every airstrike the enemy is cowering and running. The cowardly evildoers are using women and children to defend the military installations masked as civilian installations. This deception does not fool our heroes. Such tactics are expected by our freedom defenders and had failed it the past. The enemy compounds turned to smoking ruin in Sudan, Alabama, Great Britain, Ohio, Indonesia, Minessota, New South Wales, all battlefields that will resound with the cries of our victorious freedom defenders.
For Freedom!
The success of the South American freedom front is now assured. Our forces are myriad and are no longer needed to retake the area since The Chief declared the Southerners to be beyond freedom. Humane nuclear tactical bombing has decapitated the freedom haters ability to terrorise the freedom loving people of the world. Our glorious freedom defenders can now reinforce the other fronts where fight for freedom must prevail.
The squinty eyed evildoers have lauched another space missile to reinforce their military space fortification. This is the last outpost in orbit of the enemies of freedom. With this last line of offence in space, the Chinese imperialist freedom haters have been barely able to inflict any casualties on the ground. The introduction of our victory weapon 'Red Freedom Rocket' human guided hero missiles our heroic pilots of the Coalition freedom airfoce can now crash into any missile lifting from China. Volunteers are far in excess of available vehicles. Another example of how the will of the people of the free world will triumph over evildoers! For Freedom!
The Siberian campaign is going to plan with our Coalition freedom forces strategicaly tying down large freedom hater armies in the snow and ice of far east. The old europe, held in an iron grasp by our might freedom fighters will soon crack its thin brittle outer shell exposing its rotten evil core.
The Email home program from all the fronts is temporarily suspended as many enemy infiltrators have been sending false messages to deceive folks back home. Civilians are reminded that forwarding any such false message by email or word of mouth consititutes a crime against national security.
The freedom camps are a popular destination to all civilians. If you are not currently working in an armament factory, mine or a recycling center you are urged to report to your nearest Justice officer to volunteer to become an active Freedom loving civilian. Freedom camps are a way for civilians to demonstrate their commitment to freedom. Roads must be repaired, glasshouses decontaminated, terrorist corpses cleaned up. Are you a freedom loving civilian or a terrorist? Demonstrate your commitment. You are either with us or against us!
For Freedom!
Please be advised. Because of the increased infiltration of our cities by the evildoer terrorists our Justice offciers have been authorised to shoot on sight at any civilian who is carrying a package or wearing bulky clothing.
Pregnant women are advised to stay indoors for freedoms sake and theirs.
House to house checks by our Freedom Militia continue with enemy combatants being uncovered in every block. Our justice is meted out swiftly. Freedom loving people of the coalition will not tolerate any dissent. Please be advised that if freedom militia has not visited your assigned quarters it is not to late to destroy any materials you might have from the old terror loving days. Books, DVDs and Data media might all mark you as a terrorist or freedom hater.
Remember: "Empty mind is a safe mind!"
Lastly, be on the lookout for any suspicious freedom hating activity.
Report any of these freedom hating acts to your nearest Justice officer or Freedom Militia.
* Three or more people gathered in a group conversation.
* People using freedom hating language (Reminiscing pre-terror war, complaining, speaking out against freedom)
* Reading, viewing or possesion of pre-terror war information materials.
* Owning a copying device (Scanner, printer, pre-terror war computer).
For Freedom!
Stay vigilant civilian!
You are either with us or against us!
Return to your assigned task.
[Click here to affirm your commitment to freedom]
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