UH OH...
I am getting worried, with the polling closed in the eastern states and results still being counted Bush has 52% of the vote and Kerry 47% of the vote. With Ohio the decisive state, looking leaning towards Bush, the result appears set. It looks like we are heading for 4 more years of despair and desolation.
It may well be that the owner of the Electronic voting machines company is living up to his promise .
Alternatively, the old adage about never overestimating the intelligence of the people is once again holding true.
Whatever the reason, if Bush wins, I calculate at least 200,000 innocent people are going to die as a direct result in the next 4 years. :(
It may well be that the owner of the Electronic voting machines company is living up to his promise .
Alternatively, the old adage about never overestimating the intelligence of the people is once again holding true.
Whatever the reason, if Bush wins, I calculate at least 200,000 innocent people are going to die as a direct result in the next 4 years. :(
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