Category: Manufacturing consentWidely reported in the media, one of the leaders of Hamas, a terrorist organisation has recently been killed in the Israeli Gaza operation. The following photographs show the same event from various points of view. Goebbels, one of the fathers of current mass media/perception management said once 'It is an absolute right of the state to supervise the formation of the public opinion'.
There is a saying, 'Those who love sausage, ought not to investigate how it is made.'. Paraphrasing, 'Those who believe in public opinion, ought not to investigate how it is made.'.

We start off with the generic stock photos, one from a video and one clearly a stock AFP photo. Very 'neutral' and 'objective' they show the man for who he clearly was. A passionate believer in his cause, an enemy of our western civilisation.
The Australian (Muroch) media captions the stock photo in quite a disgraceful way. Suprisingly inept and blunt it quotes "killed in '...his Gaza strip"
Stronghold'. Naturally, we know that there are only evildoers in 'Strongholds'.
It is a well established fact that we, the peaceful people of the west live in 'Villages' and 'Houses'. The wild fantical evildoers live in 'Enemy compounds' and 'Strongholds'.
The usually more balanced BBC, has very little in reportage photos, in part because Israel is preventing western reporters entry into Gaza. The
same photo at BBC has a very neutral caption.
The Jerusalem Post coverage of the same event similarly has a cookie cutter photo of a man clearly not of western persuasion. Beard and headcover befitting a barbarian.

Notably there is another photo underneath, of Israeli sappers dismantling a Palestinian missile ('You see, this is why we killed him').

CNN who is widely considered by many conservative USIANs to be a 'liberal' news source has the War Porn images of 'surgical strikes' where a column of smoke wafts from a distance. Clinical and precise, the democracy is once again defended.

When not obsessed by War Porn the
US 'free media' coverage zooms in to show the actual target. The image is very tightly cropped so that we can not see the aftermath. Emergency workers (who NB in the US are just another arm of the
security apparatus) are shown heroically fighting the smoke of the undefined target.
Then we get to the really outregously unacceptable media coverage.
The Belfast Telegraph shows sympathy for the brown skinned people unbefitting an objective representative of western free media. The terrorist stronghold can actually be identified as remnants of a residence in a residential neighbourhood.

Note the degree of damage the 'precision dropped' 1 ton (2000 pound) munition has caused to the house (leveled it) and the surrounding houses (blasted by the powerful explosion).

Two of the four Rayan childred killed in the same bombing that killed their father. This is what the Palestinians see daily.
This is what we, in the west will not see in our 'free' mass media.
on page 2)
The above sequence of reportage clearly demonstrates why we, in the west, believe it is perfectly fine to kill the brown skinned people. We are asked to believe one biased version and sold it as 'balanced' and the other as 'extremist'.
In closing, this is what our acting Prime Minister Julia Gillard said about the events documented above:
"While recognising Israel’s right to defend itself from such indiscriminate attacks, the Australian Government supports the United Nations Security Council’s call for an immediate halt to all violence.
The Australian Government also urges Israel, Hamas and other militant groups to make every effort to avoid causing further suffering to innocent civilians."