Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Sunday, September 23, 2007


CATEGORY: Un-fusc-ing-belivable

As if the latest orgy of tazering people is not convincing enough that not only have the terrorists have won, but somewhere along the line we have become the enemy to ourselves, I have come across this amazing piece of evidence to support this claim.

The following sounds like something the Chaser's comedy team would dream up, only its more crazy than driving a comedy convoy through 'security barricades'. Coincidentally, I feel so much better that we have spent 200+ million on a little pre-election Howard extravaganza only to discover that the security was as flimsy as the very premise to set it up.

As the internet savvy would bespeak.
Apparently the lawyers in Guantanamo have been accused by the military of smuggling in fashionable underwear into the concentration camp. Read the response letter and weep.
Now, personally I have no doubt that the JAG Navy dude is a fine upstanding lawyer of the square jaw and sharp intellect that makes his TV series namesake look like a banana bending rabid monkey (ie. The RL guy is a real cool dude). But to accuse the lawyers of smuggling in underpants? No excuse me, I shall have to use appropriately emphatic language here to underscore my disbelief... WHAT FUCKING DIMWIT RETARD EVEN CONSIDERED THIS A FUCKING GOOD USE OF FUCKING TAXPAYERS MONEY, ENERGY AND AIR?

Let us consider for a moment that these people, scummy smelly towelheads that they are, are innocent. Innocent until proven guilty. Not even in the Kangaroo court of (guaff) 'military commishion' have these 'terrorists' have been found guilty. The fact that 'we' are punishing these 'terrorists' by denying them fashionable underwear means that if they have not been terrorists before they were put into the concentration camp they will most certainly be terrorists if they ever are released. Denied underpants, they most certainly go commando, imagine their uncircumcised arabic dicks, flopping in their orange prison fatigues for 5 years. Building tone, suppleness and girth! Ooooh... such a beast when released could... poke someones eye out at the very least. I say, give them fashionable underwear now! Cage those fidel penises before it is too late! All the time we have been fearing the wrong thing! It is not bacteriological, nuclear or chemical weapons. The biggest threat was always and shall remain, fashionably clad arab cocks. For as long as they wear unfashionable underwear, the free world can sleep safe.

Seriously, the Psyops guys have been sampling too much of the stuff added to the water supply or the world has well and truly gone mad.