Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Category: rights, or rather lack of them.

It has been said that your rights, property and life is not safe when the legislature is in session. More so when the so called democracy is a farce as it is right now in Australia with both the lower and upper houses being controlled by the Liberal party.

Following a series of revolutionary laws, designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer, we are now heading at reducing our own democratic rights.
At the time we are bleeding incredible ammount of resources alienating half the planet, fighting wars all in the name of spreading democracy, here at home new laws have been passed designed to lessen peoples rights.

Some of the farsical changes are:

  • Convicted criminals will now lose their right to vote.
    According to the Liberal party, 'Because all australians agree'.
    Naturally, nothing to do with the fact that lower socio-economic classes tend to vote labour. I think its a brilliant idea, take a person from the fringes of the society and rehabilitate them by ensuring that now they trully feel an outcast.

  • The secret donations have been increased from $1,500 to $15,000 for individuals and $90,000 for companies. Now, companies and individuals can buy favours from the government in secret.

  • Aborigines and the youth will have their right to vote reduced by changes to registration process. Once again, not the demographic group that tends to vote for the Liberals.

I for one, welcome our new democratic overlords.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


Category: Media bias

I have watched a movie today. Granted it was fictional, allegedly.
It was based on facts. In it, american secret, undercover rogue agents (aka 'enemy combatants') were fighting a legitimate army of occupation, invited by the legitimate government to fight the insurgents.

The american agents were helping mujahadeen, holy warriors of Islam.
I was surprised how the american movie favourably painted the fanatical armed followers of Mohamad. The mujahadeen women and children were shown suffering terribly from the indiscriminate bombing of the legitimate army.
Terrorists were shown using sabotage and subterfuge to disrupt pacification activities designed to bring peace to the trouble land.

The occupying army naturally was concerned about these terrorists and was interrogating them to extract information that might stop further terrorist attacks.
Something that Bush, Blair and Howard all support. Yet the movie made the occupiers look like monsters. Typical hollywood leftist bias?

No, RAMBO III a movie accussed of being right-wing propaganda when it came out in 1988. The Islamic terrorist were fighting the Soviet army who was massacring the civilians in the name of restoring peace.

There are a few message that this movie carries today;
i) The enemy of your enemy is your friend, but may become your enemy.
ii) The enemy of your friend may become your friend.
iii) Given the above, when we kill enemies, we are killing our friends to be.

On the other hand, it was hilarious seeing Russians behave like Americans in Abu Ghabi and mowing down civilians in the name of peace whilst Rambo was expressing stone face outrage and the very actions we now justify as necessary.