Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Yes, another post about politics

Just as I was making a Black Truffle Soufflé, sipping a glass of fine Pinot Noir a thought occurred to me. An increasingly rarer event.
The eggs were particularly small. Checked the box. Labeled as large.
Then enlightment... deceived by the industrio-military complex again!
The egg carton was marked; 'Eggs - Large, XLarge, Jumbo'
Following that new size table, say applied to penises, would have to add another category to describe my suddenly massive organ due to this insta-enlightement; 'Xtremely gargantuan, Hazardous to health, only handle with extreme care'.
Oh in case I need to further explain (unlikely) to my few readers;
Whoa! How many other things does the marketing media spin for us!?
No one would buy Small eggs... but Large? Sure! Tax me more and lets bomb another country!

Well, for one...WTF is happening to the undersea internets cables?
Fourth cable cut in the space of the week?
As one of James Bond villains is alleged to have said.
'Once is accident, twice is coincidence, three times is enemy action.'

< tinfoilhat>
Invasions these days are preceeded by attacks on infrastructure.
Witness the US invasion of Iraq where electricity,communications and water facilities were bombed for the main purpose of assigning multibillion dollar uncontested contracts to US companies and coincidentally making life hell for the locals.
Maybe thats one of the reasons they did not greet us with flowers. Sitting for a couple of weeks in darkness with no toilet would make you a wee bit cranky.
There were allegedly two good reasons to go into Iraq for.

1) Iraq was developing its own space program. For a dictator like Hussain, with a dream to unite all of Arabs under his iron grip and a common Caliphate, a satellite would give him incredible respect. The technology was a revolutionary artillery piece called 'The Doomsday gun' by the western industro-military machine owned media designed to launch satellites
Devised by Gerard Bull a scientist assassinated in mysterious circumstances *cough*mossad*cough*, the launch system would reduce the cost of launches from $Crazy to affordable. A story reported in the Australian, not just Barbados free press.

2) Iraq started trading their oil in Euros, every other little good pet Arab nation traded in Petrodollars.

The above are a matter of public record, albeit grossly under-reported (Censored) by the majority of western media.

With Iran pointed to as far back as 2004 as being the next target in expanding hegemony err...democracy, the following two events are noteworthy:

1) Iran starts a space program.

2) Iran is about to start trading oil in Euros in February by opening Oil Bourse.

Both key trigger events for the destruction of the Iraqi regime.
With the cry wolf WMD not holding any water, we are just waiting for a pretext to go to war with Iran.
With the war in Afganistan going badly, the best solution in Iraq being 'how well we can lose in the long term.' a normal person would think starting another war would be insane.
Just as well normal people are not in power.
War is good for business, happens far away from your shores and gives you a huge hardon

This is why, the 'coincidence' of a fourth undersea cable being cut makes me wanna buy a couple sacks of flour and a can of oil. See? Good for business.
Lets go and bomb some brown people, I might get another contract of employment out of it!

Now, would you like your large eggs scrambled?


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