Wulf's Pawprints

Stalking my voice.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Category: New world peace, security, personaly I welcome our new overlords

One of the great joys of living in a secure country where we are being protected from the terrorists, ourselves and those pesky throwbacks to the luxurious things of the hippy hippy 60's such as human rights and civil liberties is the fact that the law will always look after the ordinary people.

This is true. No matter how long the whiny pinkos protest about civil liberites lost in the war on surprise attacks, ultimately we are assured that 'If you have not done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear.'
With the determination of what it is that you have done wrong being with some shadowy character hidden in the dungeon of the royal palace and the proof against you being secret in the name of national security.
I am happy to accept this advance in civil liberties.
Such great avatars of justice like O'Rylie from the Faux News network always claim that the courts only exist to keep the crims free. I was ready to believe this.

Until that is, I have found that I am the owner of a terrorist device.
Do not spread it around, but I am in the possession of a mobile phone Sim card.
Apparently an indictable offence that in Australia can land you in jail for 2 weeks, followed by a lengthy stay in a luxurious residential hotel concentration camp for illegal migrants.

The wonderful self serving policies of government's past that had destroyed the Australian Health System, to the degree that we now have to steal third world doctors to maintain the degrading standards of health care in Australia have cought up with us. The chickens have come to roost if you will.
We are now employing terrorists in the public health care facilities.
I am willing to bet, had the government investigated, they would find more than just Mohamed Haneef owning a Sim card, I am willing to bet all of the doctors are filthy terrorists owning one of those democracy destroying devices.

But of course, I am exaggerating.
The man has been labeled terrorist because he is coloured and has a name of Mohamed. Thats practically a Taliban there. Just add black turban and AK57.
NAY! I can hear you scream in mock disgust! There was evidence to charge the man with 'Reckless support of terrorism'.

His SIM card was found in the unexploded car bomb...
Only this was later to be found to have not been the case, the SIM card being found in the flat of the terrorist.
Seriously, sit down and think for a nanosecond. Would a terrorist who is about to 'support' terror use his own SIM car when its trivial to fake one?
More likely the man, leaving for Australia gave the SIM card to his cousin when he was about to leave for Australia saying;
'Here Habib, by Allah, use my old SIM to make a car bomb while I go practice medicine in Australia.'
Where as a white man leaving for a foreign shore would say.
'Here Harry old chap, use my old SIM, it still got some credit on it while I go practice medicine in Australia.'
Can not trust those filthy ethnics I tell you.

Naturally, the investigation process was exacting and diligent.
At one stage the Police has presented their own list of terrorist names to Dr.Haneef under the impression that it was a list written by the doctor.

There was too the matter of the police publicly denying the rumour that there were photos of 'Prominent Gold Coast buildings' found in his possession and that they were not investigating alleged plot by Dr.Haneef to attack those buildings.

As I sit here now typing these words acrid smoke of old holiday snapshots and my old SIM cards drifts through the window as I burn those terrorist implements in my back yard. With judicial and judicious system that makes Keystone Kops look like Scotland Yard compared to this fiasco one can not be too careful.

The prediction is that Dr.Haneef is going to be deported to remove the smelly brown stain on the face of Australian government before the upcoming election.

This case is exactly the reason giving credibility to the claims of the pinko whiny left civil libertarians. Claims that the new terror laws can remove the onus of 'innocent until proven guilty', incarcerate innocent people and further bring us to the fuzzy border of a totalitarian police state, albeit with entertaining TV and well stocked Supermarket shelves to prevent the frog from realising its being cooked alive and hopping out of the slowly boiling water.

All I can say is for the A$20 billion dollars spent since 2002 on counter-terrorism this case is an insult to the Australian Nation. If the best we can do, after creating a massive, overblown, overpaid, civil liberties squashing beast wound up and ready to pounce at the threat to our nation, only to spring onto a poor innocent bastard going to see his sisters new born baby whose cousin is a Terrorist. The current Government, its executive branch should fall on its sharpened stick in shame.

This case has prove a few things:

  • That the Australian Government is still subservient to the Fatherland, when the Crown says 'JUMP' Australia rubs its head from hitting the ceiling.

  • That the so called 'Stringent and just anti-terror laws' are in fact a one sided collection of violation of civil liberties designed to make the Police's work easier. Aka. 'Only in the police state is the work of the Police easy'.

  • That the net will be cast as far and wide and even the most tenious, undocumented claims will be used to bring anyone even remotely suspect into jails for interrogation. Aka. 'The witch has drowned, therefore she was clearly innocent'

  • That 'Guilt by association' is alive and well.

  • That the public dollar spent on 'protecting the public' is in fact squandered and the public is in fact much less secure than before this war on surprise attacks.

  • That standards of proof are readily suspended to demonstrate that the money spent on anti-terror is in fact well spent.

    It remains to be seen, once the dust have settled to charge that;

  • That there is no accountability at all for destroying one mans life, frightening the population and burning mountains on money on a wild goose chase.

Personally I am betting that no heads will roll and if they do they will be low level apparatchiks.

But I will leave this tirade with the paraphrised words of one of our glorious leaders who said words to the effect; 'If we don't do this (prosecute on the smell of an oil rag), I will be hauled over the coals if something happens.'

So there you have it;
a) We don't give a fuck about civil rights.
b) I only give a fuck about my own career.

P.S.: Props to the opposition (Labour) who stood up early in the piece and applauded the government for its glorious success. Once again only the 'fringe' parties show that only they can be trusted with the freedom of the people.


Blogger Wulfy said...

19 Feb 2007 Edit: Read in the paper today the investigation cost 7.5 million dollars and involved 600 people.

I think thats fair price for fear.
Fear is expensive and it does not come cheap.

Feel so much more secure knowing that.

3:43 AM  

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