Category: It lives!
The rumours of my untimely demise have been greatly exaggerated. However, speaking mathematically, taking in the statistical distribution of the duration of the life of the universe vs the span of advanced (and I do use that word very losely) human civilisation generally and the lifetime of a human being, or more specifically, yours trully, the fact that there are ANY signs of life at all is trully wonderous.
To put it in other words, it's bloody amazing there is a post from Mr.Wulf at all. Hell, its bloody amazing there is Mr.Wulf! I have had posted a gargantual entry a while back. Making numerous references to major deities and my dear friends (in some cases one and the same). A post of epic scale and proportion, eclipsing the Homers Illiad, Entire body of work of the Bard and more artful than the Sistine chapel ceiling (god bless Italians /wave@T.). I am being entirely too modest when I say, the blogg entry had the all the best features of Mr.Wulf postings on SiN boards in full swing and ineberation and the contents, when deciphered by scholars would have had profound influence on the future development of human kind specifically and sentient throught in general. This is my recollection of the content in the alcohol induced haze, however having had to close one eye to see the screen had caused me to make the post dissapear and thus the humanity will be all the poorer for this great loss. /sob
All in all, this blogg is not stale... merely very, very chewy.
I shall dispense with the traditional wit-lessisisms and rather concentrate on some solid facts.As it behoves me having made a post out of the blue.First, let me mention my very, very dear friend [Alt]143. She keeps bugging me to be mentioned in my blogg.So there [ALT]143, stop bugging me, you are now officially mentioned. In four sentences no less, thats three more sentences than I usually reserve for the rest of my good friends which is a fair indication of [Alt]143's coolness.
Second, naked greedy myopic authoritarian bastards suck and will be the first to go up against the wall when the revolution comes. More on that, in future posts
Third, I have managed to con some poor bastards into using their corporate connection for internet surfing during business hours. When I don't read digg.com, 'Hey! It's work related, now stop bugging me and fill out the cover sheet for the TPS report ok?' I am changing the course of human civilisation for the better. At least that is my rationale for getting my (not inconsiderable) arse out of the bed every morning and goingto work. In short, I am writing some stuff for the future, based on some stuff I did in the past whilst reading a lot of crap other people have written. I think it's called being a 'Knowledge worker', I call it 'An indoor job with no heavy lifting'. A damn site better that what the Australian government job search (pardon me while I spit my coffe out in a messy and exaggerated gesture of poorly enacted myrth) found for me, that is, pouring toxic household chemicals from large containers into smaller plastic containers. No, the fumes have not affected me for I would rather ambush joggers in the park and drink their blood, rather than take a crap job to survive. Not that I am too proud, its just that if I am going to be humiliated by a high school dropouts whilst getting paid starvation wage and simultaneously doing irreperable damage to my body, I'd rather do something newsworthy. I also ripped off wings of flies whenI was a child! Now what do you make of that secret world government psychology profiler! Eh! Eh!
Im kidding about the flies's, I am not that evil...I actually used energy-beam weapons to burn the evil bastards in the name of corprate profits and Christianity - Thus making it my free ticked to eternal paradise, sans the 72 virgins (MAN! Did the Christians get the short end of the kebab!).
Perhaps I should trail off into irreverence here before my file gets upgraded from 'Harmless' to 'Mostly harmless'.
Fifth, I am thinking that senility is actually a good thing since you are stopping to worry about things like 'Why the fuck does the evil triumph over good, and is evil necessary for without evil there can not be good. And why does this matter if the universe has no moral judgement values! Apage relativismus!Instead one begins one's day with 'Oh hey! A new pain, I hope THIS one is not going to kill me, like all the others.'The whole arc of human life experience thing.
Sixth, you are correct, there was no point four, bonus points for being observant you analy retentive bastard! Its people like you that invented concentration camps! Relax a little you facist compulsive obsesive for fucks sake! /stab.
By this point I both duly and dully conclude that if you are still reading you are either drunk or a great fan of my works (puts fist to right cheek, extends thumb and small finger from the fist) and thus I shall spare you further pain and suffering, leaving that for the next infrequent installment of my wit. Which at this rate, is scheduled at some time around July... 2009.
Party on, and be excellent to each other.
P.S. I have just found that I can only edit this post in Internet Explorer, a further conclusive proof that Gill Bates is actualy working in concert with the Bilderbergs and the Templars in a personal vendetta to drive me FURTHER into insanity. DUH! Triggered some Echelon semantic forest flagfalls with that one... DUH DUH! Did it again!
The rumours of my untimely demise have been greatly exaggerated. However, speaking mathematically, taking in the statistical distribution of the duration of the life of the universe vs the span of advanced (and I do use that word very losely) human civilisation generally and the lifetime of a human being, or more specifically, yours trully, the fact that there are ANY signs of life at all is trully wonderous.
To put it in other words, it's bloody amazing there is a post from Mr.Wulf at all. Hell, its bloody amazing there is Mr.Wulf! I have had posted a gargantual entry a while back. Making numerous references to major deities and my dear friends (in some cases one and the same). A post of epic scale and proportion, eclipsing the Homers Illiad, Entire body of work of the Bard and more artful than the Sistine chapel ceiling (god bless Italians /wave@T.). I am being entirely too modest when I say, the blogg entry had the all the best features of Mr.Wulf postings on SiN boards in full swing and ineberation and the contents, when deciphered by scholars would have had profound influence on the future development of human kind specifically and sentient throught in general. This is my recollection of the content in the alcohol induced haze, however having had to close one eye to see the screen had caused me to make the post dissapear and thus the humanity will be all the poorer for this great loss. /sob
All in all, this blogg is not stale... merely very, very chewy.
I shall dispense with the traditional wit-lessisisms and rather concentrate on some solid facts.As it behoves me having made a post out of the blue.First, let me mention my very, very dear friend [Alt]143. She keeps bugging me to be mentioned in my blogg.So there [ALT]143, stop bugging me, you are now officially mentioned. In four sentences no less, thats three more sentences than I usually reserve for the rest of my good friends which is a fair indication of [Alt]143's coolness.
Second, naked greedy myopic authoritarian bastards suck and will be the first to go up against the wall when the revolution comes. More on that, in future posts
Third, I have managed to con some poor bastards into using their corporate connection for internet surfing during business hours. When I don't read digg.com, 'Hey! It's work related, now stop bugging me and fill out the cover sheet for the TPS report ok?' I am changing the course of human civilisation for the better. At least that is my rationale for getting my (not inconsiderable) arse out of the bed every morning and goingto work. In short, I am writing some stuff for the future, based on some stuff I did in the past whilst reading a lot of crap other people have written. I think it's called being a 'Knowledge worker', I call it 'An indoor job with no heavy lifting'. A damn site better that what the Australian government job search (pardon me while I spit my coffe out in a messy and exaggerated gesture of poorly enacted myrth) found for me, that is, pouring toxic household chemicals from large containers into smaller plastic containers. No, the fumes have not affected me for I would rather ambush joggers in the park and drink their blood, rather than take a crap job to survive. Not that I am too proud, its just that if I am going to be humiliated by a high school dropouts whilst getting paid starvation wage and simultaneously doing irreperable damage to my body, I'd rather do something newsworthy. I also ripped off wings of flies whenI was a child! Now what do you make of that secret world government psychology profiler! Eh! Eh!
Im kidding about the flies's, I am not that evil...I actually used energy-beam weapons to burn the evil bastards in the name of corprate profits and Christianity - Thus making it my free ticked to eternal paradise, sans the 72 virgins (MAN! Did the Christians get the short end of the kebab!).
Perhaps I should trail off into irreverence here before my file gets upgraded from 'Harmless' to 'Mostly harmless'.
Fifth, I am thinking that senility is actually a good thing since you are stopping to worry about things like 'Why the fuck does the evil triumph over good, and is evil necessary for without evil there can not be good. And why does this matter if the universe has no moral judgement values! Apage relativismus!Instead one begins one's day with 'Oh hey! A new pain, I hope THIS one is not going to kill me, like all the others.'The whole arc of human life experience thing.
Sixth, you are correct, there was no point four, bonus points for being observant you analy retentive bastard! Its people like you that invented concentration camps! Relax a little you facist compulsive obsesive for fucks sake! /stab.
By this point I both duly and dully conclude that if you are still reading you are either drunk or a great fan of my works (puts fist to right cheek, extends thumb and small finger from the fist) and thus I shall spare you further pain and suffering, leaving that for the next infrequent installment of my wit. Which at this rate, is scheduled at some time around July... 2009.
Party on, and be excellent to each other.
P.S. I have just found that I can only edit this post in Internet Explorer, a further conclusive proof that Gill Bates is actualy working in concert with the Bilderbergs and the Templars in a personal vendetta to drive me FURTHER into insanity. DUH! Triggered some Echelon semantic forest flagfalls with that one... DUH DUH! Did it again!
Labels: deeply personal and emotional plea for connection with other alienated souls (Nah just kidding), fun, humor, humour, satire, wit
Alive but Sane???
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